
The Honest Liar and Those Who Need His Lies

 To me, Trump is an idiot. He's every bad thing people say about him. One thing he's not though, is brilliant. Dave Chappelle was wowed that Trump was an "honest liar". He brilliantly stated in a debate with Hillary Clinton that him not paying taxes made him smart. This impressed Dave and, I guess, legions of poor white people. OK, nice move if you can pull it off- legally- but I can't see a man as an honest liar who also lies about not being able to reveal his returns because he's under audit.  First off, he CAN release his info even under audit. The IRS won't stop that. But how many years are under audit here, pal? The last 20? They don't work that way. The media knew that, but they let it go. Trump wasn't brilliant to pull off that lie, the media was lame to accept it. And that's the problem with Trump. It's the fucking idiots who enable him. A conman is nothing without stupid people to fall for his pitch. Trump isn't brilliant- Y

My Old New Orleans Home

 Well, it was home for awhile in 1983. This was a former mansion in the lower-garden district of New Orleans, across from Coliseum Square, on Coliseum by Terpsichore. 1629 was the address, if I recall correctly. I was tending bar at the now-defunct Petroleum Club of New Orleans. A coworker- Mac Tyler- helped me get in there. Well, he sorta helped, I guess. He told me about it, told me the name of the landlady- Miss Daisy- and said to mention his name. I went down there one day after work, rang the bell and introduced myself to Miss Daisy. It was like the dream sequence It's A Wonderful Life when George Bailey went 'home' and and his mom was running Ma Bailey's boarding house. Miss Daisy was a little woman, maybe 70- 80 pounds, dying of cancer, I would later learn. She said there were no rooms available and even acted like she didn't know Mac. At least she didn't say: "Mac Tyler? He's been in the insane asylum since he lost his business. If you know him,

I'm Not That Guy

 Does size matter to women? I keep hearing that only about 4% of women climax from intercourse. I don't know how accurate that is because it's 2022 and I don't know how accurate any info is. Republicans and the media have ruined everything. But I digress. Back in the day when I tended bar, I worked with a guy I'll call Bobo. I think that was his name in his native Serbia. That or Bozo. I'm not sure. Bobo was kind of a jerk. You'd look at him and wonder why he was so cocky when he was a little guy, maybe 5'7"- maybe- and with a Sonny Bono haircut. He spoke English and liked sports and was pretty much American despite being christened Bobo. Or Bozo. Who knows? Somebody told me he had a big dick. Oh- you know who it was? Bobo told me that. The cooks had made us dinner that night and one plate had a banana sticking straight up, flanked by two limes. "What the fuck?" I said. "That's for me " Bobo replied, "I guess you know I

Big Brother- I'm watching you. Well, sometimes.

Well now, for the second year in a row, a black person won the BIG BROTHER  show on CBS. I've been a casual viewer (off and on) over the years, but I can spot a trend. After all, I spotted the trend of white people always winning, years ago.  Last year it was almost a mathematical impossibility that a white person would win as the show was heavily stocked with people of color. You could argue it always was- in favor of people of no color- in previous seasons. The POC all banded together in a secret alliance called, "The Cookout" and began picking off the rest of the cast as per usual. No doubt CBS had gotten complaints about no blacks ever winning and took steps to rectify that. It's not reality- it's reality TV. It's their show, their rules and I think all the shows have a heavy hand in picking winners and losers. They are selling products and need viewers to show good ratings to clients to justify advertising rates. Heroes and villains are welcome and can be

Who Cares?

 Well, it depends upon who you listen to. I gotta tell you, most people don't watch any cable news at all. Oh, they might check CNN whenever there's a really big school shooting going on or Jared Kushner's friends are flying planes into buildings, but they're not about to stick around for Anderson and Lemon any more than they would Tucker or Hannity. Republican or democrat they are not that vested in politics.  I don't want to get bogged down in numbers much beyond the most important number being 330 million- the number of folks who live in America. A small percentage are glued to cable news day in/day out and that goes for Twitter as well. If 3.3 million people are devoted to Fox news or MSNBC and that same amount is tweeting all day, every day- that's a lot! But it's only 1% of the population. It's not a majority. It's not even close. It's not an indication of how voters really  feel. It's like a fucking poll- meaningless.  The media- any m

An offer that business can't refuse

I often recall that scene in The Godfather where Michael is broaching his idea to kill Sollozzo and police captain McCloskey, Sollozzo's bodyguard. It's bad gangster business to kill a police captain and that's why Virgil Sollozzo wisely has the captain as his companion.  I'm paraphrasing, but Michael says to Sonny and Tom; "Where does it say you can't kill a cop? A cop who is involved in drugs and the rackets? Don't we have newspaper people who would be interested in such a story?" It's that last line that gets me, pretty much every day of late. I promise you that politicians use similar verbiage these days.  "Who says you can't blame the price of gas on a president- as long as that president is a democrat? See what our newspaper people on the payroll think about that!"  Anyone with a basic knowledge of economics knows that no president has any  control over the price of gas. It's based on the price of a barrel of oil, factors in